Is Winter the Right Time to Put Houses Up for Sale in Collingwood?

With the real estate market evolving in Collingwood in recent years, many homeowners are now considering whether it’s the right time to place the houses up for sale. But what data points should you use when deciding to go to the marketplace? What elements should you take into consideration personally before making this decision? In this post, we’ll explore whether winter 2019 is the right time to put your Collingwood homes up for sale.

Condos sell well in January and February

The latest data is very clear on the subject: placing condos on the market in the winter time rather than the summer leads to favourable results for the seller. For example, last year there were more condos sold in January and February than there were in May, June, July, and August combined.

However, single-family home sales slow in winter

If you’re looking to sell a single-family home, you might consider an alternative to a winter sale. That’s because the latest data shows that families are reticent to move during the winter season. And buying slows as the weather gets colder. Data from recent years shows that the first two months of the year are slow for single-family home sales. The reasons generally given are that moving during cold weather is more difficult for larger moves and that families don’t want to take their children out of school and away from friends in the middle of the school year.

How to sell to the winter buyer

While sales might be slower for the single-family home marketplace, those willing to visit your home and view the property at this time of the year are the most serious buyers. Below are several tips you can use to improve your chances of a seamless sales process:

  • Price according to the marketplace – know the fundamentals and price effectively
  • Keep the snow and ice cleared from your roadway
  • Add cozy blankets and cushions during staging, promote the winter appeal of the home
  • Use lighting effectively – turn the lights on during the late afternoon for a welcoming home

Keith Hull is here to help you put your Collingwood houses for sale on the market. Call today to speak to the team about the latest options.


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